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Why Advertise with COCPA?

As a trusted partner of CPAs and business leaders across Colorado, COCPA offers you unique reach as an advertiser or sponsor. Through numerous events, print, and digital options, you can expect exposure and exponential contact with thousands of engaged professionals and those they serve.

Download the Advertising and Sponsorship Kit

Print Ads in NewsAccount Magazine

NewsAccount is the COCPA’s bi-monthly publication. Read by more than 8,000 Colorado CPAs, it is a great way to get your message out to thousands of potential clients, whether in public accounting, private industry, government, or education. COCPA members have identified NewsAccount as their number one source for news about the profession. And, because NewsAccount serves as an ongoing technical and professional resource, most readers save each issue. To advertisers, that means staying power—your advertising dollars work for you now and for months and years to come. NewsAccount is available as a printed publication and also includes a digital edition, accessible from the COCPA website, to further your advertising reach and exposure.

Digital Ads on and in NewsQuick (Weekly E-Newsletter) is the hub through which members sign up for networking events, schedule CPE courses, and find the answers to many of their questions. Colorado CPAs see your ad on

The weekly e-newsletter NewsQuick offers a steady flow of relevant news to COCPA members.



Membership Events

COCPA holds programs that range from one-hour CPE breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, to after-hours networking, along with specialty events like beer and wine tastings and sporting events such as Rockies baseball games. Sponsoring one of these events lets members know you appreciate and support them – it creates name recognition for your brand. The varied locations and content of these events allows you to find the perfect venue to promote your business or service.

CPE Conferences & Seminars

Sponsoring a conference or seminar is a great way to increase the name recognition and general awareness of your company among Colorado CPAs. The COCPA welcomes sponsors of products and services which help members better perform their responsibilities and serve their clients or employers. The COCPA reserves the right to determine whether or not to accept a sponsor’s application.

Executive Happy Hours

Sponsor an Executive Happy Hour in the Denver area, and look forward to engaging with members in an informal, social environment. Scheduled four or five times a year, attendance ranges from 30-60 people.


Learn more about the advertising and sponsorship opportunities that are right for you by emailing 
or by calling 303-773-2877 or 800-523-9082.

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