Please treat everyone with respect and professionalism. Think of Connect like driving: it only works when people obey basic rules of the road, common sense, and shared politeness. When these things happen, this tool works well!
You can start new topics or reply to existing one using the online forum or via email. When you get an email message with a new post on a topic you are following, you can give your public reply to that post just by replying to the email. Your post will appear as a threaded reply online in the forum page as well.
You can choose which posts to follow and how you’d like to follow them. Some users want an email for every reply to every topic. Others want to see replies only to the topics that they have already participated in. It’s all up to you.
Most members of a community choose one of these options:
These email notification settings also control the alerts and notifications that will appear to you on the website view of COCPA Connect.
See more about Advanced Notification Preferences below.
Fill out your profile! Upload a picture, adjust your umbrella notification settings, and configure your experience to be however you’d like it to be.
Your access to various communities in COCPA Connect is provided by your account with COCPA. Some Connect communities are open to all COCPA
members. Other communities are only available to those who are members of specific committees or chapters. These memberships are indicated in your account profile at COCPA.
If you have an active COCPA membership, then you are already a part of COCPA Connect, and you can start participating in all the communities you have access to.
Questions about how to participate in any Connect community can be answered by our member service team at COCPA:
Post a new topic to start a new discussion, ask a question, or share your insight.
Steps to post a new topic:
How to reply to threads via email:
There are several ways to engage on COCPA Connect.
COCPA Connect gives you the option to “Flag” any reply to any post.
You are helping the community when you flag a post that is inappropriate for any reason. Sometimes, a post or message might simply be irrelevant in the wrong category. Other times (we hope rarely, if ever!), content might be rude, abusive, or explicit.
When you flag a message, you will be presented with options of how to address the behavior you find objectionable. Options include marking the message as spam, noting that the material is inappropriate, or reaching out to the participant with a direct private message to resolve your issue.
There are many ways to customize your experience on COCPA Connect to make sure you are seeing the content you want in the way you want it. Alert, notifications, and emails are are customizable on a per-topic basis, and with global settings on your account.
Options for following a post:
Note that you have many other ways to customize your experience in your account settings. You can also see exactly how you are following posts in each of your communities.
To follow a community, click the button next to the “Create A Topic” button. Choose the desired level of notification. These settings are also available in your Account Preferences (see the section above, “Advanced notification settings”).