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Course ID: NPG

A Commitment to Community: Nonprofit Board Service and CPAs

With their significant financial and business expertise, CPAs often volunteer – or are asked to serve on – nonprofit boards. This interactive and dynamic seminar will review the core elements of nonprofit governance as well as challenge even the most experienced CPA with leading-edge nonprofit governance and accountability trends and strategies. It offers an excellent opportunity to fine tune your nonprofit board skills and knowledge, and develop younger CPAs with the goal of serving on a nonprofit board to further their training and leadership development and foster meaningful relationships in the community.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain background knowledge in basic nonprofit governance principles and nonprofit accountability issues.
  • Learn how to serve more effectively on nonprofit boards.

Major Topics

  • Basic Board Member Responsibilities and Legal Duties.
  • Accountability Issues in Nonprofits.
  • Governance as Leadership.
  • The Types of Questions Good Board Members Ask.
  • How to Make Board Meetings More Meaningful and Engaging.
  • Developing a Genuine “Culture of Inquiry”.
  • Deliberating Differently in the Board Room.
  • The Ten Key Ways to Strengthen Your Nonprofit Board.

Advanced Preparations


Who Should Attend

Mature and developing CPAs

Fields of Study

Specialized Knowledge




Business Learning Institute Dulaney Center II

CPE Credits




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