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A&A Buffet: Build Your Own Accounting and Auditing Course

Every public and industry accountant faces different challenges and issues, depending on factors such as nature and size of the reporting entity, services offered, and/or client demographics. This unique course allows you to customize a day of accounting, auditing and other attest services training based on what is of most interest and relevance to your specific circumstances. (Can be customized to any desired length)

Learning Objectives

  • Describe accounting, auditing and other attest issues important to a public or industry accountant.
  • Explain best practices for complying with professional, technical, and regulatory requirements related to common A&A issues faced by public and industry accountants.
  • Apply examples and illustrations to “real-life” circumstances encountered

Major Topics

Select up to 8 topics from the following list to create an 8-hour CPE credit course:

Accounting Topics

  • A&A Executive Summary Update – Highlights of the Most Critical Current Issues and Changes in U.S. GAAP (THAA)
  • Private Company U.S. GAAP Alternatives – When and Why Should Companies Adopt the Simplifications? (PCGP)
  • Going Concern Disclosure Requirements – Evaluating the Impact on Preparing Financial Statements, Compilations, Reviews and Audits (RGCD)
  • Long-Term Debt – Case Studies in Issues Impacting Classification, Disclosure and Debt Covenant Compliance (LTDT)
  • Leases Before and After New U.S. GAAP – Case Studies on the Impact of Applying Changes in Lease Accounting and Financial Reporting (LEAS)
  • Revenue Recognition Before and After New U.S. GAAP – Case Studies on the Impact of Applying Changes in Accounting and Reporting (REVR)
  • Business Combination Accounting, Including Goodwill (BCAG)
  • Financial Statement Disclosures Common to Private Entities (FSCD)
  • Statement of Cash Flows Preparation for Small- or Medium-Sized Entities (SCFP)

Auditing Topics

  • Audit & Attest Quality Matters that Should be on Your Radar: Avoiding Common Deficiencies in SAS, SSARS and SSAE Engagements (AQMA)
  • The Four Basic Food Groups of Audits – Satisfying Your Audit Risk Appetite (FBFG)
  • Critical Traits of a Thinking Auditor – Tips for Stretching Yourself Beyond the Audit Basics (CTTA)
  • Professional Skepticism – Case Studies in Identifying Material Fraud and Error (PSFE)
  • Analytical Procedures – Case Studies in Strengthening Analytic Financial Statement Audit Evidence (LAPA)
  • Analytical Procedures – The Most Common Analytics Used to Interpret Financial Statement Results (MCAP)
  • Strengthening Inquiry Skills – Tips for Gathering the Information You Need on Audits (INQS)
  • Sampling – Avoiding Common Mistakes on Financial Statement and Compliance Audits (SAMP)
  • Preparing and Reviewing Workpapers – Essential Tips for Avoiding Deficient Engagements (PRAW)
  • Group Financial Statement Audits – Who is Exactly Responsible for What (GRPA)

Internal Controls and Fraud Topics

  • Internal Control – Critical Concepts for Managing Financial Reporting and Other Risks (CICC)
  • Fraud – Current Trends in Today’s Environment with Shifting Risks and Changing Fraud Schemes (FRDT)
  • Cybersecurity Risk Management Programs – Examining an Entity’s Compliance with the Latest AICPA Guidance (CRMP)
  • Essential Governance – Best Practices for Overseeing Enterprise-Wide Risk Management (EGBP)
  • Integrated Audit – Performing an Effective and Efficient Integrated Audit of Internal Controls and Financial Statements (S130)

Governmental and Nonprofit Topics

  • Yellow Book and Single Audit Engagements – Complying with Current Requirements (YBSA)
  • Nonprofit Financial Reporting – Implementing the New GAAP Requirements (NFPR)

Nonaudit and Nonattest Services

  • SSARS Engagements – Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
  • Third Party Verification (Comfort) Requests – What are Options for Responding and How to Determine Which Professional Standards to Apply? (TPVR)
  • Avoiding Peer Review Deficiencies and Legal Liability in Audit and Nonaudit Services (ADNAS)

Managing the Audit Relationship

  • Thinking Like an Auditor When Preparing Your Financial Statements (TLAA)
  • How to Evaluate Whether You (the Client) Are Getting the Most for Your Audit Dollars (VALU)

Management and Personal Development

  • Make it Happen! – A Disciplined Approach to Getting Things Done (MIHD)
  • Personality Styles – Adjusting to Varying Types for Improved Communication and Performance (PERS)
  • Coaching the Next Generation of CPA’s – Tips for Developing Millennials (CNGC)
  • Striking the Right Balance Between Leadership and Management – Adapting Your Behaviors to Succeed at Short- and Long-Term Objectives (BLMB)

Advanced Preparations


Who Should Attend

Public and industry accountants who require training in accounting, auditing and other attest services.

Fields of Study

Accounting, Auditing




Business Learning Institute Dulaney Center II

CPE Credits




This course is available for your group as:


Let's Roll!

To learn more or customize this course for your group, complete this form and a COCPA team member will get back with you shortly.

Or, contact COCPA: (800) 523-9082 or
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