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Course ID: CBAE
Colorado Board of Accountancy Statutes, Rules, and Regulations
Learn about the Colorado State Board of Accountancy Statutes, Rules, and Regulations. This course will cover the latest changes so you can stay updated. *Remember, the Colorado State Board of Accountancy requires CPAs to complete this course within six months of their initial licensure/certification.
Learning Objectives
- Familiarize and update participants with the Colorado State Board of Accountancy statutes, rules, and regulations and to apply these bodies of law to practical, everyday experience for a CPA in public, private, and government practices.
- Review and analyze actual State Board of Accountancy cases in order to learn the complaint, investigative, and legal process of the board, and to enable participants to understand the ramifications of this process.
Major Topics
- An overview of the Colorado State Board of Accountancy Statutes, Rules and Regulations.
- Recent legislative changes affecting the accounting profession.
- Recent changes to Colorado statutes, rules, regulations and policies.
Advanced Preparations
Who Should Attend
CPAs, finance professionals, administrative staff
Fields of Study
Regulatory EthicsPrerequisites