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Course ID: CITC

Colorado Income Tax – Current Developments, Problem Areas, and Opportunities

Eliminate unnecessary and avoidable cost/effort by understanding non-value-added and non-mission-related work content that robs organizations of their rightful competitive position.

Learning Objectives

  • To understand Colorado’s new rules for sourcing sales for income tax apportionment.
  • Review the new definitions and their application.
  • Distinguish between business and nonbusiness income, its new terminology and application.
  • Learn how to apply the new apportionment rules to different types of sales including sales of property, services, intangibles, and capital gains.

Major Topics

  • Colorado’s new sales factor apportionment regulations.
  • Apportionable and non-apportionable income.
  • Application of the transactional and functional tests in defining apportionable income.
  • Sourcing sales of intangibles, professional services, and capital gains.

Advanced Preparations


Who Should Attend

Any accountants, attorneys, or tax preparers in both public practice and industry who are responsible for filing sales and use tax returns

Fields of Study





Colorado Society of CPAs

CPE Credits




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