Course ID: ECIA
Ethics, Culture, and Internal Auditing at your Organization
What went wrong at companies like Enron, Wells Fargo, Yahoo, BP, and Volkswagen? There likely was a breakdown somewhere in the audit functions (internal or external), but the real underlying problem was NOT audit and most important, the solution does not rest in “doing more audits.” The real breakdown was in the integrity and ETHICS of the organizations. It was the leadership failure of the managers, executives, and the Board. In this session, we will dive into organizational integrity and how you can help create and sustain an ethical culture.
Learning Objectives
In this session, we will review a series of major misconduct and fraud cases as well as the mission statements of several, what I refer to as, “in the news” companies. We will use these lessons to formulate real solutions that internal auditors and management can apply to ethics processes and policies within your organization.
Advanced Preparations
Who Should Attend
All internal auditors and others interested in learning what they can do to influence ethical behavior at their organizations.
Fields of Study
Behavioral EthicsPrerequisites