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Course ID: STCD
Sales Tax – Current Developments, Problem Areas, and Opportunities
Sales and use taxes are often a company’s biggest tax headache. In this 4-hour seminar Bruce Nelson will alleviate those headaches. Specifically, he will discuss the current status of sales and use tax compliance in Colorado, including the latest in national and local developments on nexus. He will bring you up to date on the most important developments impacting Colorado retailers, manufacturers, taxpayers, and tax practitioners on multiple topics including
- The Department of Revenue’s new “emergency regulations” on sourcing sales for sales tax purposes.
- The impact of the United States Supreme Court decision in Wayfair, both nationally and on Colorado.
- A review of the latest nexus developments for home-rule and state-collected Colorado cities.
- Discussion of the application of the new sales tax sourcing rules for leases and rentals.
- The sales tax implications of using market-place facilitators like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy.
Learning Objectives
- To understand Colorado’s new rules for sourcing sales for sales tax.
- Review current and ongoing implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Wayfair.
- Learn how to apply the new sales tax regs to specific transactions such as leases and rentals.
- To be prepared to identify the sales tax opportunities and risks of using market-place facilitators
Major Topics
- Colorado’s new emergency reporting rules for sourcing sales tax.
- Wayfair and its implications.
- Nexus at the local level in Colorado.
- Leases and rentals of equipment and sales tax.
- Market-place facilitators and sales tax.
Advanced Preparations
Who Should Attend
Any accountants, attorneys, or tax preparers in both public practice and industry who are responsible for filing sales and use tax returns.
Fields of Study