The COCPA offers a select number of webcasts and webinars, and we also partner with the following vendors to provide you with even more convenient CPE options.
Since 1998, ACPEN has been owned and managed by Business Professionals’ Network, a firm that is responsible for the development of CPE content, management of the network, and that ensures that the satellite and Internet technology is and stays at the cutting edge, for benefit of state societies and their member CPAs.
AICPA webcasts are high-quality training programs that bring you the latest topics from the profession’s leading experts. These live, interactive events cover what you need to know in such areas as accounting, auditing, tax, healthcare, not-for-profit, government, employee benefit plans niches, and more.
These real-time sessions include specific business and industry topics, tax updates, a personal financial planning series, and more! While the CalCPA webcasts are applicable to all CPAs, we advise you to read all the marketing details for a webcast prior to registering as some of these presentations have California specific content.
These courses are delivered in a “live webinar” format that allows you to participate from the comfort of your office or home.
When you take a K2 Enterprises webinar, you will have the opportunity to learn from an award-winning team of instructors with literally hundreds of years of experience in helping professionals identify, address, and solve issues through the practical application of technology. Please note: COCPA Season Pass cannot be applied.