Kurt Oestriecher
Kurt has practiced his entire 36 year career at in Alexandria, Louisiana after graduating from the University of Louisiana Monroe (ULM) in 1986. Kurt has been partner in charge of Accounting and Auditing with the firm since 1994, and became managing partner in the firm on January 1, 2023. Kurt began presenting and authoring CPE courses in 1991. He has received the AICPA Outstanding Discussion Leader Award 12 times and the Society of Louisiana CPAs (LCPA) Outstanding Discussion Leader Award 4 times. Kurt was elected the youngest President in the history of the LCPA in 2002, and has also served on the AICPA Council, AICPA Accounting and Review Services Committee, and the AICPA Joint Trial Board. He currently chairs the Ethics Committee of the LCPA. He and his wife of 33 years have two children and one grandchild. They often wonder why you have to have children before you have grandchildren.
Just Added: All issues from the new legislation will be covered, including tax issues, PPP loan round 2, extension of the FFCRA credits and other provisions.
If the PPP Loan Forgiveness process has been a confusing, frustrating experience for you, you are not alone. This course is developed and presented by a CPA who began this series when the CARES Act was first passed because he could find no suitable CPE that provided the answers he was looking for. His courses have been presented in 8 states and have been highly praised as the best information on the PPP process by his fellow CPAs. This course will provide practical, hand-on guidance on how to select and complete the appropriate loan forgiveness forms, as well as advice on how to not only maximize loan forgiveness, but also take full advantage of the credits for wages paid to employees under the FFCRA.
Note – each participant will receive an excel spreadsheet, developed by Kurt, that will assist in completing the 3508S, 3508EZ, and the 3508. The 3508 calculator has options for weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly payroll periods. Many CPAs have found these tools to be invaluable when preparing the PPP loan forgiveness application.
Provide practical, hand-on guidance on how to select and complete the appropriate loan forgiveness forms
Those looking for an update on PPP Loan Forgiveness.